Run Information

Step One: Sign Up

Step Two: Donate (optional)

Step Three: Run for Justice

Event net proceeds will benefit civil legal aid through the Massachusetts Bar Foundation, Massachusetts innocence project work through the New England Innocence Project, or both at the participant’s election.

Learn More Here

Racing the course is optional. Please check in before 12:30 p.m. if you want to race the course for time or to make it interesting with your colleagues. The race will begin at 12:30 p.m.

We will be awarding the race winner a gift card.

Otherwise, check in and run/walk the course at your leisure.

Run Route

Staying mostly on the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bike Path, one lap of this marathon clocks in at just over 2.6 miles. By completing a lap, you will have completed a “mini-thon”—a tenth of a marathon.

Beginning at Herter Park, the lap route follows the Charles River and crosses the river at the Eliot Bridge. The loop then continues down along Greenough Blvd, where it eventually crosses the river again at the Arsenal Street Bridge. Finally, the course follows the Charles River back to Herter Park.

The route will be marked with flags and signs.

Route Directions

  1. Begin your run/walk at Herter Park, following the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bike Path (the Charles River Bike Path).

  2. Continue until you arrive at the Eliot Bridge. Climb the stairs to the right of the bridge and take a sharp left to walk across the Eliot Bridge.

  3. After crossing the Eliot Bridge, bear left to continue walking on the bike path along Greenough Boulevard, enjoying the scenic views of the Charles River.

  4. You’ll then arrive at the Arsenal Street Bridge. Cross the bridge and take a sharp left to head down the sidewalk alongside Soldiers Field Road.

  5. You’ll soon come to a small parking lot on your left. Diagonally across the lot, you’ll again find the bike path that follows the Charles River.

  6. Follow the path past the Artesani Playground back to Herter Park.

Route Photos